Education & Events

Meet Christina Akhteebo, our Featured Educator for August 2021!


Christina Akhteebo, Educator with Milbon, is our August Educator of the Month!

How’d you get your start in education?

Milbon was looking for someone in the Midwest that knew the product very well. At the time, I was working at a salon and had been using the product for about a decade. I knew a few people that worked for Milbon in NY. They reached out to me, and it turned out to be a great fit.

What’s your favorite product from Milbon?

Signature CREATIVE STYLE Dry Texturizing Spray; you can use it for everything—curling, as a dry shampoo, for creating volume. If I was stuck on an island, that is the only product I would need.

How are you bringing a fresh approach to education?

I am able to bring my experience not only as an educator but also as a stylist. That gives a perspective other stylists can relate to. I am also just a people person, and that brings a lot to the table.

What common problems are stylists facing today?

A lot of stylists struggle with selling products to their clients; they might not truly understand their client’s needs—their day-to-day hair care routine, what they like, etc. Anyone can sell products, but it’s essential to make sure you’re finding the best fit for your client. That’s why a good consultation is key.

Milbon is really good about educating salons on their products and making sure everyone is on the same page.

What do you want stylists to know about education?

Education is critical. Even if you feel like you know it all, you can still learn something new every day. Always keep learning.

What are your educator goals?

I want to make sure that my students know that I’m always there for them and willing to help. I love the work that we do, and I want to see them succeed in it.

What new skill would you like to learn (hair or non-hair related)?

Lately, I feel like I need to learn how to manage my time better. I have an 11-month old at home, and it seems like I never have enough time.

I struggled during Covid, too, to adjust to a schedule where I wasn’t overlapping clients.

Who’s your biggest mentor?

Lana Duvall; she’s also a Milbon Educator. She really took me under her wing and made me the person I am. She’s an excellent teacher, a great partner, a wonderful mother, and an awesome mentor. She really does it all.

Where do you find your inspiration?

I find my inspiration in my clients and other stylists. I love to see people work through things. So sometimes, I’ll visit a salon a few times to really make sure stylists are confident in what they’re learning, and I love that they never give up.

What is the most rewarding part about educating?

I love seeing stylists fall in love with Milbon products.

What is your favorite cutting or coloring technique?

I like to make sure all clients leave with a glaze—it’s the finishing touch—the top coat of your nail polish. Everyone should have a glaze.

I am also a firm believer that a great blow-dry is everything. It’s one of your best tools.

What is a word of advice that you have for new stylists?

Never think you know it all. There’s always something else to learn.

Any advice for seasoned stylists?

Don’t be afraid to give something new a chance. You never know you might like it.

How do you like to spend your days off?

I spend my days with my son, Sebastian. We love to go shopping together. Even if we don’t buy anything, we have so much fun just looking.

Favorite pick-me-up in the middle of a busy salon day?

Coffee, coffee, coffee! I run on coffee.