Keune Tinta Color 24 Intro includes color, activator, developer, shampoo, brush, bowl, cape, pump, swatch chart, brochure, and cling.
24 Tinta Shades 2.02 oz. (Your Choice)
2 Tinta Developer Liter (Your Choice)
Choose From: Tinta & So Pure 3% 10 vol., Tinta, So Pure, & 1922 6% 20 vol., Tinta & So Pure 9% 30 vol., or Tinta 12% 40 vol.
1 Tinta After Color Shampoo pH4 Liter
1 Tinta After Color Balsam pH4 Liter
1 Chemical Cape With Logo
1 Color Brush 2 inches
1 Color Bowl - Black
2 Liter Pumps - Black
1 Tinta/Semi Combination Paper Swatch Chart
1 Why Keune Brochure
1 Door Cling
*Free Goods subject to change based on availability