Aloxxi Demi-Permanent Colour

TONES Demi-Permanent Colour

by Aloxxi

Note: Can only be ordered in multiples of {0}.

Aloxxi TONES Demi-Permanent Colour ensures hair remains gorgeous during and after the coloring process. TONES features the CDP Complex to deliver complete coverage, moisturizing conditioners, and brilliant shine into every strand. Offering 100 colorful shades, TONES gives your clients an opportunity to express their style and experience a fun, interactive salon experience! Transform their experience by taking them from a 9N to a Roman Goddess, a 6R to a Sunset Red, and an 8B to David's Muse! 

Conditions: Meadowfoam Seed Oil imparts an extra boost of moisture
Deposits: High-definition crystallized micro-pigments, in a demi-permanent base, deliver superior deposit with no lift
Protects: No ammonia formula helps protect against cuticle damage during the color process
Weightless emollients surround the cuticle with a protective shield

When to use Aloxxi Tones:
Color Refresher on mid-lengths and ends for Aloxxi CHROMA clients
Blend grey/white hair with no lift
Refresh color after a chemical service on the same day
Add shine to dull hair
Toner on pre-lightened hair
First time color clients
Tone on tone enhancement

See manufacturer's instructions for complete directions.

Helpful Hints

4 Simple Steps to Hair Color with Aloxxi TONES:
Determine natural level and/or existing color including % of grey/white hair
Analyze texture and porosity
Identify desired level and tonal direction
Determine color objective to select developer mixing ratio and timing

Color Developer and Timing Chart      
Color Objective Mixing Ratio  Development Time (room temp)  Development Time (w/heat) 
Basic Color Blends up to 50% Grey/White Hair    1:2  20-25 minutes   10-15 minutes
Color Refresher   1:2   10-15 minutes  5-10 minutes
Toner and Chemically Processed Hair    1:2   10-15 minutes  Not Recommended
Intense Tonal Direction    1:1   20-25 minutes  10-15 minutes
Blends Over 50% Grey/White Hair    1:1   30-40 minutes  15-20 minutes

Fine hair is more receptive to hair color; therefore less development time is needed.

Aloxxi H2O2 Creme Activator
Aloxxi H2O2 Creme Activator 7 (2%) is designed to be used with Aloxxi TONES to maintain a stabilized viscosity ensuring proper tonal direction and depth.
  • Aloxxi TONES 10A- Prima Donna 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxitones10aprimadonna.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi 10A- Prima Donna 2 Fl. Oz.

    10A- Prima Donna 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48141
  • Aloxxi TONES 10AA- Steel Me To Italy 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxitones10aasteelmetoitaly.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi 10AA- Steel Me To Italy 2 Fl. Oz.

    10AA- Steel Me To Italy 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48224
  • Aloxxi TONES 10G- Sangiovese At Sunrise 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxitones10gsangioveseatsunrise.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi 10G- Sangiovese At Sunrise 2 Fl. Oz.

    10G- Sangiovese At Sunrise 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48226
  • Aloxxi TONES 10N- Bambino 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxitones10nbambino.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi 10N- Bambino 2 Fl. Oz.

    10N- Bambino 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48221
  • Aloxxi TONES 10P- Romance on the Rialto 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxitones10promanceontherialto.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi 10P- Romance on the Rialto 2 Fl. Oz.

    10P- Romance on the Rialto 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48225
  • Aloxxi TONES 10V- Swinging in Sardinia 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxitones10vswinginginsardinia.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi 10V- Swinging in Sardinia 2 Fl. Oz.

    10V- Swinging in Sardinia 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48142
  • Aloxxi TONES 1A- Cruising the Adriatic 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxitones1acruisingtheadriactic.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi 1A- Cruising the Adriatic 2 Fl. Oz.

    1A- Cruising the Adriatic 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48099
  • Aloxxi TONES 1N- Intrigue on the Spanish Steps 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxitones1nintrigueonthespanishsteps.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi 1N- Intrigue on the Spanish Steps 2 Fl. Oz.

    1N- Intrigue on the Spanish Steps 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48100
  • Aloxxi TONES 3N- A Brunette for Casanova 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxichroma3nabrunetteforcasanova.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi 3N- A Brunette for Casanova 2 Fl. Oz.

    3N- A Brunette for Casanova 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48101
  • Aloxxi TONES 3V- Revelry in Tivoli 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxichroma3vrevelryintivoli.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi 3V- Revelry in Tivoli 2 Fl. Oz.

    3V- Revelry in Tivoli 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48102
  • Aloxxi TONES 4K- Murano Glow 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxichroma4kmuranoglow.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi 4K- Murano Glow 2 Fl. Oz.

    4K- Murano Glow 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48103
  • Aloxxi TONES 4N- Espresso Yourself 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxichroma4nespressoyourself.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi 4N- Espresso Yourself 2 Fl. Oz.

    4N- Espresso Yourself 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48104
  • Aloxxi TONES 4RK- Positano Perfecto 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxichroma4rkpositanoperfecto.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi 4RK- Positano Perfecto 2 Fl. Oz.

    4RK- Positano Perfecto 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48105
  • Aloxxi TONES 4RM- Valentino's Delight 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxitones4rmvalentinosdelight.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi 4RM- Valentino

    4RM- Valentino's Delight 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48106
  • Aloxxi TONES 4V- Medici's Villa 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxichroma4vmedicisvilla.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi 4V- Medici

    4V- Medici's Villa 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48107
  • Aloxxi TONES 4XR- Treasure of Trieste 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxichroma4xrtreasureoftrieste.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi 4XR- Treasure of Trieste 2 Fl. Oz.

    4XR- Treasure of Trieste 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48108
  • Aloxxi TONES 5G- Boot-iful Italy 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxichroma5gbootifulitaly.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi 5G- Boot-iful Italy 2 Fl. Oz.

    5G- Boot-iful Italy 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48109
  • Aloxxi TONES 5GR 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxichroma5grbrilliantbergamo.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi 5GR 2 Fl. Oz.

    5GR 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48110
  • Aloxxi TONES 5GV- La Bella Signorina 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxichroma5gvlabellasignorina.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi 5GV- La Bella Signorina 2 Fl. Oz.

    5GV- La Bella Signorina 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48111
  • Aloxxi TONES 5N- Arrividerci Roots! 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxichroma5narrividerciroots.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi 5N- Arrividerci Roots! 2 Fl. Oz.

    5N- Arrividerci Roots! 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48112
  • Aloxxi TONES 5NT- Cioccolato Gelato 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxichroma5ntcioccolatogelato.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi 5NT- Cioccolato Gelato 2 Fl. Oz.

    5NT- Cioccolato Gelato 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48113
  • Aloxxi TONES 5R- Como Crimson 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxichroma5rcomocrimson.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi 5R- Como Crimson 2 Fl. Oz.

    5R- Como Crimson 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48115
  • Aloxxi TONES 5RM- Blush of Barolo 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxichroma5rmblushofbarolo.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi 5RM- Blush of Barolo 2 Fl. Oz.

    5RM- Blush of Barolo 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48114
  • Aloxxi TONES 6A- Seduction on the Grand Canal 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxichroma6aseductiononthegrandcanal.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi 6A- Seduction on the Grand Canal 2 Fl. Oz.

    6A- Seduction on the Grand Canal 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48116
  • Aloxxi TONES 6K- Party in Lombardy 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxichroma6kpartyinlombardy.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi 6K- Party in Lombardy 2 Fl. Oz.

    6K- Party in Lombardy 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48117
  • Aloxxi TONES 6N- Aloxxi's Favorite 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxichroma6naloxxisfavorite.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi 6N- Aloxxi

    6N- Aloxxi's Favorite 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48118
  • Aloxxi TONES 6NA- Pompeii and Circumstances 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxichroma6napompeiiandcircumstance.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi 6NA- Pompeii and Circumstances 2 Fl. Oz.

    6NA- Pompeii and Circumstances 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48119
  • Aloxxi TONES 6R- Affair del Fresco 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxichroma6raffairdelfresco.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi 6R- Affair del Fresco 2 Fl. Oz.

    6R- Affair del Fresco 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48120
  • Aloxxi TONES 6RK- Ravish Me in Ravenna 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxichroma6rkravishmeinravenna.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi 6RK- Ravish Me in Ravenna 2 Fl. Oz.

    6RK- Ravish Me in Ravenna 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48121
  • Aloxxi TONES 6XR- Red-Y for a Renaissance 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxichroma6xrredyforarenaissance.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi 6XR- Red-Y for a Renaissance 2 Fl. Oz.

    6XR- Red-Y for a Renaissance 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48122
  • Aloxxi TONES 7B- Buon Giorno Genoa 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxichroma7bbuongiornogenoa.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi 7B- Buon Giorno Genoa 2 Fl. Oz.

    7B- Buon Giorno Genoa 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48123
  • Aloxxi TONES 7G- Ciao Bella 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxichroma7gciaobella.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi 7G- Ciao Bella 2 Fl. Oz.

    7G- Ciao Bella 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48124
  • Aloxxi TONES 7GR 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxichroma7grvenusdemilano.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi 7GR 2 Fl. Oz.

    7GR 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48125
  • Aloxxi TONES 7GV- Moda Fantastica 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxichroma7gvmodafantastica.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi 7GV- Moda Fantastica 2 Fl. Oz.

    7GV- Moda Fantastica 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48126
  • Aloxxi TONES 7N- Georgio's Folly 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxichroma7ngeorgiosfolly.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi 7N- Georgio

    7N- Georgio's Folly 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48127
  • Aloxxi TONES 7NT- Fortuna at the Forum 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxichroma7ntfortunaattheforum.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi 7NT- Fortuna at the Forum 2 Fl. Oz.

    7NT- Fortuna at the Forum 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48128
  • Aloxxi TONES 8A- Sensuous Signorina 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxichroma8asensuoussignorina.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi 8A- Sensuous Signorina 2 Fl. Oz.

    8A- Sensuous Signorina 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48130
  • Aloxxi TONES 8K- Don't Prosciutto the Messenger 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxichroma8kdontprosciuttothemessenger.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi 8K- Don

    8K- Don't Prosciutto the Messenger 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48132
  • Aloxxi TONES 8NA- Mona Lisa's Smile 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxichroma8namonalisassmile.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi 8NA- Mona Lisa

    8NA- Mona Lisa's Smile 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48133
  • Aloxxi TONES 9A- Women are from Venice 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxichroma9awomenarefromvenice.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi 9A- Women are from Venice 2 Fl. Oz.

    9A- Women are from Venice 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48134
  • Aloxxi TONES 9AA- Whisper in Milan 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxichroma9aawhisperinmilan.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi 9AA- Whisper in Milan 2 Fl. Oz.

    9AA- Whisper in Milan 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48223
  • Aloxxi TONES 9B- Give Pisa a Chance 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxichroma9bgivepisaachance.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi 9B- Give Pisa a Chance 2 Fl. Oz.

    9B- Give Pisa a Chance 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48135
  • Aloxxi TONES 9G- Peach Bellini 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxichroma9gpeachbellini.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi 9G- Peach Bellini 2 Fl. Oz.

    9G- Peach Bellini 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48136
  • Aloxxi TONES 9N- Roman Goddess 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxitones9nromangoddess.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi 9N- Roman Goddess 2 Fl. Oz.

    9N- Roman Goddess 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48137
  • Aloxxi TONES 9NA- Get a Grappa 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxichroma9nagetagrappa.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi 9NA- Get a Grappa 2 Fl. Oz.

    9NA- Get a Grappa 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48138
  • Aloxxi TONES 9NT- Amalfi Chic 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxichroma9ntamalfichic.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi 9NT- Amalfi Chic 2 Fl. Oz.

    9NT- Amalfi Chic 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48139
  • Aloxxi TONES 9P- Taste of Torino 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxichroma9ptasteoftorino.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi 9P- Taste of Torino 2 Fl. Oz.

    9P- Taste of Torino 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48140
  • Aloxxi TONES 9V- Blonde Bella 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxitones9vblondebella.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi 9V- Blonde Bella 2 Fl. Oz.

    9V- Blonde Bella 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48222
  • Aloxxi TONES B- Once in a Blue Luna 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxichroma41bonceinablueluna.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi B- Once in a Blue Luna 2 Fl. Oz.

    B- Once in a Blue Luna 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48094
  • Aloxxi TONES CL- Italian Ice 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxitonesclitalianice.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi CL- Italian Ice 2 Fl. Oz.

    CL- Italian Ice 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48093
  • Aloxxi TONES G- Donatello's Yellow 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxichroma41gdonatellosyellow.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi G- Donatello

    G- Donatello's Yellow 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48095
  • Aloxxi TONES K- Penne for Your Thoughts 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxichroma41kpenneforyourthoughts.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi K- Penne for Your Thoughts 2 Fl. Oz.

    K- Penne for Your Thoughts 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48096
  • Aloxxi TONES R- It's All Italian to Me 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxichroma41ritsallitaliantome.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi R- It

    R- It's All Italian to Me 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48097
  • Aloxxi TONES V- O Colore Mio 2 Fl. Oz. /media/products/aloxxi/aloxxichroma41vocoloremio.jpg?preset=t275
    Aloxxi V- O Colore Mio 2 Fl. Oz.

    V- O Colore Mio 2 Fl. Oz.

    SKU 48098