Education & Events

Meet Kara Kalamatas, our October Educator of the Month!


Educator of the Month - Kara Kalamatas
Educator of the Month - Kara Kalamatas
Kara Kalamatas, Academy Trainer with Keune, is our October Educator of the Month

How’d you get your start in education?

Education runs in my family, so when Premier approached me to be an educator with Keune nine years ago, it just made sense.

What’s your favorite product from Keune?

It’s impossible to choose, but I absolutely love the Care Keratin Smooth 2-Phase Spray. It promotes hair integrity with every use and performs exactly as it claims. Plus, it’s super user-friendly, so clients love it!

What's the newest, freshest approach you're bringing to education?

It’s easy for everyone to burn out, particularly with the times we are going through right now; everything seems overly complicated. I do my best to bring education back to the basics and focus on the fundamentals. I think it helps to reaffirm that we’re all in this together, and in going back to basics, we can remember why we love our work.

What are the common problems faced by stylists today?

Again, it seems like many things have become so overly complicated, and as stylists, we’re perfectionists, so we want to fix it. By focusing on our core fundamentals, we can simplify complex work and take it step-by-step. A good example of this is all the color corrections we see from clients doing their hair at home during the pandemic. These are complicated color corrections, so it’s important to focus on the basics and take it one step at a time.

What do you want stylists to know about education?

The industry is constantly evolving, so education should never be put on the back burner. These days, clients are getting smarter—they know the terminology and are up on trends, so stylists have to stay on top of things to avoid falling behind.

What are your educator goals?

I always wanted to become an Academy Trainer. Now that I’ve met that goal, I’d love to get into platform work and mentor other educators.

Educators can have a huge impact on their students and can even reignite their passion. It is easy to forget that in the day-to-day swing of things, but I want to help educators be their best and continue inspiring stylists.

What new skill would you like to learn (hair or non-hair related)?

I’d really like to learn more about barbering. I see how the barbering world is exploding, and I’m excited about learning something new. 1922 by J.M. Keune line pays homage to this, and I can’t wait to get my hands on it and watch this sector continue to develop.

Who’s your biggest mentor?

Jessica Mills, Keune’s VP of Education and Shows. Jessica pushes me and makes me see I am so much more capable than I think I am. She believes in me and sees what I can do, and helps me to recognize that as well. She’s my biggest cheerleader, and I’m so grateful for her.

Where do you find your inspiration? (for teaching, for behind the chair, for personal life)

I find a lot of my inspiration on social media. I love being able to see the different trends happening in other parts of the world. With Keune specifically, it’s fun to see how other Keune stylists are using the same tools I have, but in a different way.

What is the most rewarding part about educating?

It sounds cliché, but there is nothing better than when you see that aha moment cross someone’s face. You see that information resonate with them, and their face lights up, and it’s like, mic drop, BOOM. I love it.

What is your favorite cutting or coloring technique?

I love working with dimensional colors to create seamless movement in the hair.

What is a word of advice that you have for new stylists?

Stay grounded, stay humble, and stay hungry. When you stay grounded in what you know, it makes you more humble. When you stay hungry, it forces you always to want to know more. It keeps you from becoming complacent or thinking you know it all.

Any advice for seasoned stylists?

I would say the same advice applies no matter how long you’ve been in the industry. You have to stay grounded, humble, and hungry, especially as clients become more informed; you have to keep up.

How do you like to spend your days off? (hobbies/interests)

I am a mom of two boys who are my world, so I spend most of my spare time doing boy activities. We just love spending time together.

Favorite pick-me-up in the middle of a busy salon day? (snack, coffee, music, meditation, etc.)

A nitro cold brew—it’s so indulgent!