Education & Events

Meet Dani Tarnaski, April Educator of the Month


Dani Tarnaski, GOLD.KEY COLOR.ME by KEVIN.MURPHY, wants students to know that it’s okay to make mistakes in the learning process, and that’s why we’ve selected her as Premier Beauty’s April Educator of the Month!

How’d you get your start in education?

My passion in life is helping people, so I’ve always gravitated toward education, teaching swim and dance growing up. When I took a class with COLOR.MASTER, Marsha Moran, she asked if I’d be interested in becoming an educator. I’ve been doing it for two years now and I absolutely love it; it’s a perfect fit.

What’s your favorite product from KEVIN.MURPHY?

ANTI.GRAVITY.SPRAY: I love that I can spray it on wet hair to get a ton of volume, or use it on dry hair to perfect and hold curls—plus the lavender scent is amazing.

I’m also super excited about the new collection of COLOR.ME by KEVIN.MURPHY toners coming out in May. The brand took inspiration from social media filters to develop gorgeous toners that can be used to reflect feelings and the “filter” through which we want to be seen.

What's the newest, freshest approach you're bringing to education?

Learning something new can be scary, so I always try to create a safe space where students know it’s okay to make mistakes. I let them know that I’m there to support their journey as a stylist, and they don’t need to worry about being judged.

What do you want stylists to know about education?

We are in an industry that’s constantly evolving, so keeping up with education is essential; continuing education isn’t optional if you want to stay relevant.

More seasoned stylists are sometimes tempted to stick by old habits or outdated ways of doing things, but they have to be motivated to keep up with the industry. I’ve found that introducing small changes to their process is a great way to get the ball rolling; taking it in small steps allows them to maintain their comfort zone, while still introducing something new.

Any advice for educators?

Stylists don’t always know what’s available to them in terms of continuing their education. As educators, it’s our job to make sure stylists understand the many resources available to them, so they can always keep progressing. Premier Beauty and KEVIN.MURPHY are especially in-tune with education and offer a ton of great classes.

Also, don’t be afraid to be yourself: Be proud of who you are and what you bring to the table. Let your personality shine!

What new skill would you like to learn?

Outside of my work as a stylist, I’m an avid traveler and would like to learn more languages so I can travel the world.

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